Feature Previews

What are Feature Previews? 

Before we invest in making certain product features generally available, we release them as Feature Previews to learn the following from usage data and qualitative feedback. 

  • Perceived Value: The biggest risk in product development is to build something that offers little value to our users. As such, we make Feature Previews generally available only if they have high perceived value.

  • User Experience: Even if a feature has high perceived value, it is important that the user experience of the feature is optimized such that our users actually receive the value. As such, we make high value Feature Previews generally available after we optimize the user experience. 

Feature Previews are in active product development, therefore should not be used for business critical workflows. We encourage you to use Feature Previews and provide us feedback, however please note that Feature Previews:  

Managing Feature Previews

Previews are controlled per-project space.

To disable/enable a Feature Preview go to Project Settings -> Feature Previews

Click the box next to the feature preview you want to enable/disable and then click Update Previews.